January 28, 2008

Christmas from Pennsylvania

A few weeks ago, Rick and I received our Christmas package from his family out it Pennsylvania. It was a little bit of an adventure to get the package from UPS because they didn't leave a notice on our door but they said the package went out for delivery that day. So we went over the the place the trucks go at the end of the night to drop everything off to check and see if it was there. The lady that helped us was so nice but she didn't think that the truck was back yet but she would go and check. About 25 minutes later she came back with our package. She said the truck just pulled in when she went back there so she dug through the entire truck until she found our package. It was so nice of her to do that for us because we were really excited to get our package and we really wanted it that night. (But if we had to I guess we would have waited, I'm just glad we didn't have to) :)
It was so much fun to call our family in Pennsylvania and open the package with them listening since we weren't able to go out there this year for Christmas. They gave us so many nice things and also a lot of fun things. We got several DVD, beautiful ornaments, pictures, a nutcracker, and several other things. We also really enjoyed getting presents from our niece and nephew, Christopher and Emily. Christopher gave Rick a really nice Eagles hat and Emily gave us little snowman angels with our names on them. It was so sweet of them. Our families have done so much for us and we love them so much! Thanks for everything!

January 6, 2008

Shooting Rick's New Gun

Yesterday Rick and I went up Provo Canyon to shoot his new gun. It was really fun to see Rick so excited about his new present. He had a smile on his face the entire time. While we were up there we also saw a bunch of wild turkeys. It was weird because they were walking all around us and weren't even scare of the gun shots.