June 14, 2011
Air Show at Andrew's Air Force Base
All is Well
Since it has been a while since I have posted anything I thought I would back track a little. We spend Easter with Rick's family. We visited his grandparents and had an egg hunt at his sister's house. I was also asked to sing a solo in church a week after we moved into the ward. I guess word gets around fast in a small town about talent. But it was really nice to be able to do that again and hopefully I will get more oportunities.
Madi wasn't sure what all the fuss was when we were showing her the eggs and told her to pick them up. So Rick had so show her what was in them. After she discovered that she filled up her basket pretty quick.
She also hid a few of her own eggs. If she saw her basket was getting full she would put an egg from her basket next to an egg that was hiding.
She was also a very good sharer. She would open an egg and then eat a piece of candy and then give one to me or Rick. She liked her basket so much she still carries it around on her shoulder like a purse. We also had to get her some bigger eggs that she couldn't put in her mouth to play with after Easter. She loves to put all sorts of treasures in her eggs. This weekend she was putting plastic animals in them from her friend's house.
We have done some other fun things but I will put it in a different post so this one isn't too long.
March 25, 2011
The Windows of Heaven
Now we just have to get through the big move next week. Yikes! How does Madi have so much stuff? How do WE have so much stuff?!?! Where has it all been hiding for the past 2.5 years?!?!
March 21, 2011
Leap of Faith
February 16, 2011
My New Favorite Blog
February 14, 2011
You Talkin' to Me?
Snow and Cookies
Of course with all the snow and cold the best thing to do is to make cookies. And Madi loves to help with anything mommy is doing, especially cookies! She tested the sugar to make sure it was sweet enough. She licked the peanut butter jar clean. And she even checked the chocolate chips to make sure the passed the "girl test". And as you can see, she loved every minute of it.
January 17, 2011
Dancing to Tarzan
We bought Tarzan the other night and we put it on for Madi last night to watch. When it got to the 'Trashin' the Camp' song Madi started dancing and it was so funny, so I had to record it and post it so you could see it. It is so cute! She loves music and she loves to dance! She will even start to hum or sing a little song she made up every once in a while too.
Baking Already?
January 10, 2011
Christmas at Last
She didn't like the fact that she had to finish up with one toy and move on to opening another o fast. She liked taking her time with each new toy and figuring out how each of them worked before she moved on. But we helped her move on at a little faster of a pace because otherwise we never would have made it through in one day. She had so much fun with all her new toys. We let her play for a little while and then we packed a few of her favorites and then headed up to Pennsylvania for the rest of the weekend.
And here is Rick after his 10 hour all night shift. What a trooper! He even stayed up to drive up to Pennsylvania that day and have lunch with the family. He finally couldn't stand it any longer by mid-afternoon so he crashed. I was able to get him his very first RC boat for Christmas. He was so excited. The only problem is all the places that he could drive it are frozen over right now so he can't use it and so he is going crazy with it sitting in the box. But he will have fun when the spring comes around.
January 5, 2011
Happy Birthday Madi!!!
Look at that smile! She loves her new pony. And she has even figured out how to make it sing on her own by pressing the ears.
January 3, 2011
December Happenings
After the wedding we headed down to see Rick's sister Kathy and her family. I don't know who got attacked worse, Madi or the dog. They had so much fun together. Madi had someone to play with that was her size and the dog had someone who never got tired of playing. I think that was the first time the dog actually got worn out.
Madi's Adventures
I have no idea what she was doing here other then playing with my brush. She was studying my brush very intently and I wanted to get a picture but she looked up at the last second and this is what the picture came out as. And I love it!